1. Listen to Audio:
  2. Check out the videos on How to Coach a New Cleanser

Presidents Pack Includes:

  • 4 canisters/boxes of shakes;
  • 2 canisters/bottles of Cleanse For Life;
  • 1 bottle/canister of Ionix;
  • Isaflush-Yellow top;
  • Natural Accelerator- Purple top ;
  • Isa Snacks; Isadelights;
  • Isalean Bars;
  • eShots;
  • Isa Blender;
  • Essential Vitamins with Product B;
  • Welcome Kit with Tape Measure

Standard 30-Day Program Includes:

  • 4 canisters/boxes of shakes;
  • 2 canisters/bottles of Cleanse For Life;
  • 1 canister or 32 oz. of Ionix Supreme;
  • Isaflush-Yellow top;
  • Natural Accelerator-Purple top;
  • Isa Snacks;
  • Isadelights;
  • e shots; 6 count
  • Sample pack shaker;
  • 4 Sticks of WME;
  • Welcome kit with tape measure/chart

Use the chart and tape measure provided to take your measurements prior to starting your program.  You will also want to weigh yourself and take your “before” pictures.  This will help you track your progress as you continue through the program.

  1. 30 Day Sheet: Cheat sheet to get you set up on shake days.  Includes calendar for shake days and cleanse days
  2. Food Shopping List: Provides a list of foods that are okay to eat during a 30-day program and foods that are not okay. Only Isagenix Coffee and fruit from approved list
  3. Cleanse Day Schedule:  Walks you through hour-by-hour what you are doing on a cleanse day.

For more variety, please visit Welcome New Cleansers Reference Tab.

  1. The night BEFORE you begin your program take:
    • 2 Isaflush with 8 oz. of water
  2. Then first thing in the morning take:
    • 1 oz (or scoop, if you have the powder) of Ionix Supreme
  3. 30 minutes later take:
    • 1 Natural Accelerator+ Shake (2 scoops+8 oz of water)
    • Must drink shake within 20 minutes of mixing.  There are active enzymes that aid with digestion, so don’t put it in the freezer, forget about it, or drink half now and half later.
  4. Lunch:  Shake OR Healthy balanced meal + 1 Natural Accelerator
  5. Dinner: Shake OR Healthy balanced meal (opposite of what you did for lunch)
  6. Right before bed, take:
    • 2 Isaflush with 8 oz of water

President’s Pak cleansers will take their AM vitamins with breakfast and their PM vitamins with dinner.

Use your discretion when it comes to snacking.

Snacks are NOT mini-meals. If you require a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack, there are many options- just be sure you are not snacking all day long.

Examples: Celery, cucumbers, half an Isalean Bar, a whole fiber snack, 6 raw almonds, 2 hard-bloied eggs, or slices of green apples are the easiest options

Healthy balanced meals are 400-600 calories and include a lean protein, vegetable, and side dish.

Lean proteins include chicken, turkey, and fish.  Side dishes include whole grains such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, and quinoa.

The important thing to remember is to eat as close to the earth as possible- nothing white, nothing processed, nothing refined.

If you are ever unsure, refer to the food shopping list or check with your coach.

You want to stay away from peas, carrots and corn because they are high in sugarSame goes for fruits.

Coffee and alcohol are also not allowed on the 30-day program as they will interfere with your results.  Naturally caffeinated tea is okay, though.

For Visual Breakdown on Healthy Balance Meals, visit Welcome New Cleansers Healthy Balanced Meals Tab

You will require drinking 128 ounces of water each day.  The easiest way to do this is to use a 32oz bottle and drink four of those each day at room temperature.  Your water intake will make or break your results, so start early.

You will require 16 Isadelights for your cleanse days, but the other 14 can be used as snacks throughout your program.  So, put the 16 aside. Eshots are best saved for your cleanse days, but can be taken anytime you are looking for a quick energy boost. You can have up to 2 Eshots a day.

You will require 16 Isadelights for your cleanse days, but the other 14 can be used as snacks throughout your program.  So, put the 16 aside. Eshots are best saved for your cleanse days, but can be taken anytime you are looking for a quick energy boost. You can have up to 2 Eshots a day.

Walk through the day before the person will cleanse.

There is very little thinking required for cleanse days.  The entire day is mapped out hour-by hour in Document 5.  You should not be snacking on cleanse days with the exception of the Isasnacks and Isadelights as indicated on the Cleanse Day Schedule.  For information about why it is important not to snack on cleanse days, you can look at Document 7 in Welcome New Cleansers where John Anderson explains exactly what is happening to your body during cleanse days and how snacking interferes with the process.   Most cleansers feel tons of energy on their cleanse days, but tf you are experiencing headaches or any similar symptoms, you want to work through them as best as possible without changing the cleanse day schedule too much.  Peppermint oil and peppermint tea can usually help with those symptoms until the body has adapted to the new lifestyle and the symptoms disappear.

The reason each cleanse lasts 48 hours is because the first day gets into the sugar in the body, and the second day attacks the visceral fat.