Before you get started, listen to the following:

  • MJ Durkin Isa Order Form
  • New Associate Enrollment Form
  • User Name: firstlastname Password: Dayspa01
  • Place on Team Placement Tree. In your Back Office, Go to Team, Enroll New Member, Choose Placement. You must click either Bottom Left or Bottom Right. Do NOT place in INSIDE legs.
  • First 2 people outside right and left to create triangle and become CONSULTANT
  • Use TEAM Strategy and place the next 3 people on your OUTSIDE TEAM Leg
  • Add them to your Cleansers List and keep track of their progress with this Sheet

Looking to Build a Business Quickly and Rank to Executive?

  • First 2 people outside right and left to create triangle and become CONSULTANT
  • Choose Bottom Left or Bottom Right. Do NOT place on INSIDE leg.
  • You +2 THEM +2
  1. Send Welcome Email New 2016  Welcome Email in Spanish  cc’d your coach and 2 levels above. Add information about who you cc’d the email to and add a subject to your e-mail: Welcome to Isagenix! Their Name
  2. Add to We Got This Cleanse Group 
  3. Welcome and tag them to both groups. Ask permission for tagging on personal FB.
  4. Add to Healthy Body Facebook Business Group if they are business builders
  5. Send a FB inbox message to 5-8 people to show support and draw traffic to your post and welcome them. Also, add the new person and friend suggest them to people on your team.
  6. Teach your TEAM to do the SAME!