Steps to Success

[vc_wtr_divider type=”line” divider_align=”center” height=”1″ color_line=”#000000″ delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” data_title=”Step 1″ data_content=”Print out your 30 Day Sheet. Additional sheets under “Reference“ tab.” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”video|fa fa-play-circle” data_title=”Step 2″ data_content=”Let Jamie Mirabito, 3 Star Crystal Director, Walk You Through Your Box!” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” data_title=”Step 3″ data_content=”Print Your Food Shopping List” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” data_title=”Step 4″ data_content=”Print the Cleanse Day Schedule” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”web|fa fa-line-chart” data_title=”Step 5″ data_content=”Take your measurements to track your progress!” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”web|fa fa-calendar-check-o” data_title=”Step 6″ data_content=”Schedule your “Isagenix Back Office” with your coach to learn how to manage your future orders, explore available options, resources and benefits.” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”web|fa fa-check-square-o” data_title=”Step 7″ data_content=”Enroll in the IsaBody Challenge! For more info, go to the IsaBody Challenge Tab.” delay=”0″]

How To Do Your First Program

[vc_wtr_youtube url=”J2ctWTnqCCM” size=”420-315″ resolution=”hd720″ align=”center” autoplay=”0″ modestbranding=”1″ showinfo=”0″ rel=”0″]

Walkthrough of the package and exceptional Coaching with Jamie Mirabito!

How To Be Compliant!

[vc_wtr_youtube url=”M1NrBLA-_os” size=”420-315″ resolution=”hd720″ align=”center” autoplay=”0″ modestbranding=”1″ showinfo=”0″ rel=”0″]

Walkthrough of the package and exceptional Coaching with Dr. Ina!

30 Day Programs

[vc_wtr_divider type=”line” divider_align=”center” height=”1″ color_line=”#000000″ delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” data_title=”Regular 30 Day Program” data_content=”Print out your 30 Day Sheet.” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” data_title=”30 Day Program in Spanish” data_content=”Print out your 30 Day Sheet. ” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” data_title=”30 Day Program for Diabetics” data_content=”Print out your 30 Day Sheet. ” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” data_title=”30 Day Program for Diabetics in Spanish” data_content=”Print out your 30 Day Sheet. ” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” data_title=”30 Day Sheet (Breastfeeding)” data_content=”Print out your 30 Day Sheet.” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”||target:%20_blank|” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” data_title=”30 Day Sheet (Kosher)” data_content=”Print out your 30 Day Sheet.” delay=”0″]

The IsaBody Challenge

[vc_wtr_divider type=”line” divider_align=”center” height=”1″ color_line=”#000000″ delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_youtube url=”Pg6gF3DPt8k” size=”640-480″ resolution=”hd720″ align=”center” autoplay=”0″ modestbranding=”1″ showinfo=”0″ rel=”0″]

The IsaBody Challenge is all about setting new goals for your health, fitness, and overall wellness. This 16-week Challenge will motivate you to transform your body and your life. We only have one question: Are you up for the Challenge?

Participate by:

[vc_wtr_divider type=”line” height=”1″ color_line=”#000000″ delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”|||” type_icon=”web|fa fa-check” data_title=”Step 1″ data_content=”Get Enrolled with the Assistance of Your Coach” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”|||” type_icon=”web|fa fa-thumbs-o-up” data_title=”Step 2″ data_content=”Follow the Participation Guidelines and your Coaches Recommendation” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_icon_box url=”|||” type_icon=”currency|fa fa-usd” data_title=”Step 3″ data_content=”Fill all requirements to collect your prize” delay=”0″]

What's a Healthy Balanced Meal?

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Eating "Clean" Doesn't Have To Be Boring!

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Here's Some Recipe Ideas

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Recipe Ideas from Isagenix

[/vc_wtr_custom_list_item][vc_wtr_custom_list_item type_icon=”web|fa fa-cutlery”]

Eating Well – Where Good Taste Meets Good Health Website

[/vc_wtr_custom_list_item][vc_wtr_custom_list_item type_icon=”web|fa fa-cutlery”]

Just Recipes Facebook Page


Cleanser Essentials

[vc_wtr_divider type=”line” divider_align=”center” height=”1px” color_line=”#000000″ delay=”0″]

30 Day Sheets

[vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_icon circle=”on” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-pdf-o” align=”center” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″]

Food List

[vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_icon circle=”on” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-word-o” align=”center” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″]

Cleanse Schedule

[vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_icon circle=”on” type_icon=”file_type|fa fa-file-o” align=”center” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″][vc_wtr_divider height=”5px” delay=”0″]


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Cleanser Resources

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Dr. Ina Nozek Open Coaching Call

A product expert right at your fingertips.

Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Ina Nozek, DC, MS will answer your questions.
Monday and Wednesday 8-8:30 a.m. PST and 6:30-7 p.m. PST
Friday 8-8:30 a.m. PST
1-719-867-0497, code 457415#
Toll-free number: 1-877-647-3411, code 457415#

Empower Your Mind To Achieve Your Vision

Healthy Mind and Body is an intelligent accountability system, custom designed for Isagenix, to help you accomplish any and all health goals, fitness goals, and energy goals that have been outside of your reach.

[vc_wtr_button url=”||target:%20_blank|” label=”START NOW” align=”center” color=”c_darkGrey” margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”0″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ delay=”0″]