Before Isagenix I was in a corporate job that didn’t serve me, overweight, tired, and stressed. I would spend my days foggy, tired and completely without motivation. I was introduced to Isagenix by my then fiancé, Marissa, who wanted to release weight to look her best for our upcoming wedding. I had no intentions of doing any kind of cleanse. After her first week I saw a lot of changes in her, and the one that struck me most was the change in her energy. I gave in and told her I needed to do what she was doing. I have now been putting these products in my body since April of 2015. With my initial pack, I released 17 pounds and 9 percent body fat. I was extremely happy with how I felt and looked, losing over 4 inches in my waist and having a mental clarity I had never felt before. I looked and felt great for my wedding day. I will be 59 years old in April 2020, and feel better now than I did at age 40. Through the confidence and mental clarity I have gained through this program I now have a new career centered around my passion for vintage race cars, and spend the remaining time supporting my wife building a future around sharing this incredible Isagenix gift with as many people as possible. Where my life was hopeless, I now have hope. Where my body was broken, it is now stronger than ever before. Where my mind was cloudy and confused, it is now clear and focused. I wake up every day, healthier, wealthier, and happier that the day before. I am truly grateful for each and every day.