New shred

You know your body better than anyone else!! Don’t let anyone tell you “that’s just what happens with age” Be your own health detective. My before picture may not be significant to some but I know many women who would disagree. An extra 15lbs felt like 40 for me and I wasn’t willing to accept that. I have been on Isagenix for 15 years, feeling fantastic until menopause hit. I struggled with the typical menopause stuff. It wasn’t until I started the #ershred within Isagenix that I realized I needed to make a real change in my, ‘what used to be a good fit for me’ but was no longer working. So I ditched it all and dove in! After years of NO MEAT I went Full carnivore with my shakes and cleansing the way that worked best for me. Thomas Edison was onto something when he said “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease”. The key is to learn how to take care of yourself so you are empowered to be your own best doctor and keep yourself well as life progresses. I’m now back to my fit, not bloated body. Thank you Isagenix!