Before I was introduced to nutritional cleansing I was already eating a very clean paleo diet, exercising regularly, but had hit a plateau and just felt that something was missing in my regime. I was skeptical, but decided to give the program a try and in my first round I released that I didn’t even know I had to lose, I broke several new personal records in the gym, and one of the first things I noticed was that when I would wake up in the morning I felt as if I had slept a couple of extra hours because I was waking up feeling so vibrant and ready to take on the day! Since then I have taken my health and fitness to a whole new level!

Before I was introduced to nutritional cleansing I was already eating a very clean paleo diet, exercising regularly, but had hit a plateau and just felt that something was missing in my regime. I was skeptical, but decided to give the program a try and in my first round I released over 10 lbs that I didn’t even know I had to lose, I broke several new personal records in the gym, and one of the first things I noticed was that when I would wake up in the morning I felt as if I had slept a couple of extra hours because I was waking up feeling so vibrant and ready to take on the day! Since then I have taken my health and fitness to a whole new level!