I have been a caretaker and people pleaser for as long as I can remember! I tried very hard to be a people pleaser and keep everything as ‘steady’ as I could. I often dismissed my own feelings because of it, without realizing. Food became my source of comfort from a young age and through most of my adult life. In February of 2014, I was feeling awful when my dear friend of more than 25 years, Alaine, died of cancer at the age of 50. This really shook me up and was my wakeup call. I knew I had to do something about my health. After the first week of following the 30-day program, I was astounded at how much more energy I had, how much better I was sleeping, and how I did not feel hungry at all. My body was responding so well to the products and along with all of those benefits, the pounds and inches started dropping at an incredible rate. Even my children were noticing. By January 2015, I hit my 100-pound weight released goal. In only nine months, I was able to regain my health and I’ve never felt better. I continue using many of the products because I enjoy them and feel so amazingly well. Everything has changed for me, all for the better. I’ve never felt this well and love this healthy lifestyle.