
Sandy D.

As my 50th birthday approached I panicked.   I thought to myself – FAT and 50, who wants to be fat and 50?!   If I couldn’t get this weight off before I turned 50, it would never come off and only get worse.  I knew I had to do something and called my friend Alexis because I knew she had helped so many people achieve their health goals.  But I was skeptical, I had tried so many diets and nothing worked for me.  After only a week on the program I began to both see and feel a difference.  I felt great and my clothes were beginning to feel loose on me.  17 pounds later I feel amazing and am so grateful I found this lifestyle!

By |2020-03-23T05:33:41-04:00September 19, 2016|Women|Comments Off on Sandy D.

Marisa B.

I struggled with body image and crash dieting for as long as I can remember. It got to a point where I felt like I had two choices: 1) do it the “right way” with diet, extreme exercise, daily sacrifices, and losing 1 or 2 lbs a week only to gain it all back (and then some ) with one BBQ or 2) Crash dieting, harsh cleanses, calorie cutting, and unnatural supplements that worked as far as weightloss, but I felt and looked miserable. Both options were frustrating, I wasn’t happy, and it was taking a toll on my health. What appealed to me about Isagenix was the quality of their ingredients. With my health history, I cannot put anything unnatural in my body without worrying about side effects. The quality of the ingredients in Isagenix is incredible and I was excited to put something so healthy/organic/and pure into my body. So far, I’ve lost a total of 40 lbs and 45 inches. I’ve dropped down 3 dress sizes. My relationship with food is a healthy one now and that is a huge accomplishment for me. I have more steady and solid energy than I’ve ever had before. And I just feel….better. I never realized how sludgy I felt until I no longer felt sludgy. From someone who has tried everything, I finally found something that nourished me from the inside while losing weight quickly from the outside. My body is meeting in the middle and I could not be happier with my results. It really is the best of both worlds!

By |2021-05-04T14:57:51-04:00August 28, 2016|Women|Comments Off on Marisa B.

Mary W.

I have been a caretaker and people pleaser for as long as I can remember! I tried very hard to be a people pleaser and keep everything as ‘steady’ as I could. I often dismissed my own feelings because of it, without realizing. Food became my source of comfort from a young age and through most of my adult life. In February of 2014, I was feeling awful when my dear friend of more than 25 years, Alaine, died of cancer at the age of 50. This really shook me up and was my wakeup call. I knew I had to do something about my health. After the first week of following the 30-day program, I was astounded at how much more energy I had, how much better I was sleeping, and how I did not feel hungry at all. My body was responding so well to the products and along with all of those benefits, the pounds and inches started dropping at an incredible rate. Even my children were noticing. By January 2015, I hit my 100-pound weight released goal. In only nine months, I was able to regain my health and I’ve never felt better. I continue using many of the products because I enjoy them and feel so amazingly well. Everything has changed for me, all for the better. I’ve never felt this well and love this healthy lifestyle.

By |2021-05-03T17:12:19-04:00August 25, 2016|Women|Comments Off on Mary W.

Tammy W.

My wedding reception dress in 2014 made me take a long look at how I had let things go. Tired, sluggish, not feeling well…it was because I had picked up more weight than I had during any of my 3 pregnancies. Fast forward to now being a granny and I feel better than I did 10 years ago. This system has changed my life and my husband started too after seeing the change in me. Now it’s all about being SMART HEALTHY and Living Life GRAND!

By |2021-05-03T17:11:23-04:00August 23, 2016|Women|Comments Off on Tammy W.

Greg S.

I was previously disgusted with how I looked and felt and had no energy what-so-ever. People didn’t want to be around me because I was just miserable, plain and simple. I was bored, unfulfilled, hated my job, and had no zest for life until I finally decided to embrace Nutritional Cleansing. As I began to change my lifestyle and incorporate the nutrition my body so desperately required I began to see incredible changes in my physique, my energy, and my performance. It became increasingly more difficult to actually stop smiling because I felt so freakin good, and I wanted everyone to take notice. Now, two and a half years later, not only have I maintained the changes I’ve made to both my lifestyle and my mindset, I’ve made remarkable advancements and experienced marked improvement in my performance and acuity thanks to incorporating this wonderful lifestyle into my life. I am happier and healthier than I have ever been and most importantly, I have found love in my life, for my life, and for myself.

By |2020-03-23T05:33:14-04:00August 19, 2016|Men|Comments Off on Greg S.

Michael R.

Before I started with nutritional cleansing, I worked out five days a week and always thought I was in great shape, until I saw pictures of myself on a vacation in the Caribbean and I absolutely could not believe that that was me! There’s three things that don’t lie when it comes to your physical appearance, mirrors, the scale, and you’re clothes. It was at that point that I finally decided to trust my sister Alexis and get on the journey with nutritional cleansing and since that time I have released 27 pounds and 4 inches on my waist. Now my passion is to help people achieve all their nutritional goals and achieve financial success through a great company ! I consider myself so thankful and blessed that I decided to change my life .

By |2020-05-20T12:57:14-04:00August 6, 2016|Men|Comments Off on Michael R.

Joe R.

This isn’t a 30, 60 or 90 day progress photo. These are the changes of a 4 year period. The pic on the left you can see I’m exhausted, I had no energy and no smile on my face at all. I wasn’t happy with how I looked or felt at all. I finally settled on my divorce and was more than fed up with how I looked and felt. This also isn’t a quick fix on how a product changed how I looked. Nutrition is key but hard work and dedication are also a factor. The last 2 years I got involved with Crossfit and it became a place where I could get out all of my frustrations and start working on myself. The pic on the right was this past January of 2016. I decided to do the challenge but only cleansed once a week and had my 1-2 cheat days a week. For myself I still have some work to do bc I’m not 100% satisfied with my results but I think everyone can relate bc we always want to improve. But I think the smile on my face tells a different story bc I’m finally focusing on myself and the results are more than overwhelming to see from where I was a few short years ago

By |2021-05-03T16:29:36-04:00August 4, 2016|Men|Comments Off on Joe R.

Philip R.

I was introduced to Isagenix in 2010 by my sister, Alexis. At that time, I was a Police Officer for 10 years working long hours and suffering from fatigue and poor sleep habits. I was also competing in grappling tournaments that required me to drop weight. This process can be very dangerous and hard on the body. I would fast, use saunas and any means necessary to make weight to compete. My sister suggested I give the system a try to help me lose the weight safely and it would help my training and energy levels. After putting the products in my body for 1 week, I noticed a spike in my energy and mood. I was able to safely lose the weight and placed 2nd in my division. Three years ago, I retired as a police officer and now pursue my passion of teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, practicing yoga and sharing the products that changed my life forever. You deserve to feel this good!!!”

By |2022-05-17T07:18:49-04:00August 2, 2016|Men|Comments Off on Philip R.
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