These pictures are the results of my very first month on the Isagenix system. I released 13 lbs and almost 18 inches. The back story is that my whole intention of starting the program was to PROVE IT WRONG. As a Personal Trainer and Clinical Nutritionist, in private practice for almost 20 years, I had been presented with every fad, quick fix and magic potion on the market. I was skeptical and honestly, never dreamed it would produce results and certainly not sustainable ones. Within the first 3 days of utilizing the shakes and eating clean, I bounced out of bed before my alarm (this NEVER happened). I say it felt like my body “lit up.” After my first round of cleansing, on day 8, I went for a run, usually 2-3 miles MAX…and I ran 8 miles continuously! THIS HAD NEVER HAPPENED EITHER! I was shocked and pleasantly surprised and even my own clients began to notice that my energy had changed. I had 9 of my current clients jump on board with me right away. Still in disbelief, I decided to create my own clinical trial and soon was blown away by their results. Those 9 people released 150 lbs and 181 inches….as a trainer and nutritionist, I’ve NEVER had a Tool in my Toolbox that worked this well, with varying body types, chemistry’s and athletic abilities. I now recognize what an absolute GIFT this program is for so many. Fast forward 2 years, I’m now a member of Team Isagenix, our Pro Athlete Division. I came in 7th place last year in the Competitive Warrior Dash, qualifying for the World Championships and beating other female athletes half my age. I’m currently training for my second marathon, Ragnar Trail Race and considering a Physique competition. Not only does this nutrition system work, the community, the support and the company, have opened doors beyond my wildest dreams. I truly know what it means to live a LIMITLESS life. I am forever grateful that I suspended my disbelief and said YES!