We are excited to have you on the team! This information will provide you with the necessary, simple steps to set you up for success in your Isagenix Business.
Sent out the Welcome to Isagenix Quick Start Business Email to everyone who started building their business no matter if they were a product user.
Then go through each step of the checklist below. The checklist is THE road map to get you started effectively and efficiently. It is highly recommended that you PRINT this checklist to stay on track.
On our first scheduled call we will discuss your income goals, your “Why” and your completed “Memory Jogger” list. We will also go through the New Associate Interview. This will empower you on your journey and set the right expectations for what’s ahead.
- Listen to “Steps To Build Your Isagenix Business” audio.
- Print out “Set Up Your Income Goals”. Highlight your short and long-term goals and be prepared to discuss WHY you are doing this business and how the income you will earn will change the quality of your life.
- Order the Eric Worre “Go Pro” book. This book is necessary to understand Network Marketing and how to become a Pro!
- Plug into the WEEKLY Team Training calls right from the start – These calls are extremely important for your success. Please add them to your planner and program the call numbers into your phone.
- Mondays at 8:30 pm (EST) – Susan Sly’s Training call – 712-775-7035 Pin: 172348#
- Mondays at 9:30 pm (EST) – Healthy Body Team System Training call – 605-562-3140 / Pin: posted in HBT Facebook page.
- Tuesdays at 10:00 am (EST) – Tuesday Morning Team Call Fireside Chats w/ Ciji & Tara!! 10am EST (712) 775-7300/ Pin: posted in HBT Facebook page.
- Tuesdays at 9:30 pm (EST) – Healthy Body Team Call Leadership Mentoring call – 605-562-3140 / Pin: posted in HBT Facebook page.
- Tuesdays at 10:30 pm (EST) – Jeffery Combs – “More Heart Than Talent” Mindset Call (personal development) – 530-881-1300 / Pin: 157213#
- Wednesdays at 9:00 pm (EST) – Carole Taylor International Team Call (overview of products, testimonies, and business) – 641-715-3580 / Pin: 945461#
- Listen to Peta Kelly’s audio – How To Build A Winning Team – Cast A Vision To Build, Attract, Assemble & Ignite A Champion Isagenix Team!
- Print out the Memory Jogger and Referral Sheet to help you with your initial contact list.
- Qualifying Questions for a Business Prospect
- Your list should have a minimum of 50 people and it is recommended you complete it within first 24-48 hours. When you go over your list with your coach, he/she will guide you on how to reach out to your contacts.
- Look below for examples on how to connect with your product user prospects and business prospects.
- EX.Product: “I’m so excited I’m just starting a nutritional program. I’ve seen so many people losing weight and gaining energy. You came to mind and I wanted to share the information with you. I’m just starting, but I’m working with a coach that can answer all your questions. Give me two good times that work for you and we’ll call you to share the info.”
- EX. Business: “I’m so excited I just partnered with a billion dollar nutritional co and you were the first person that came to my mind. I’m looking for people who are driven, coachable, health conscious or looking to make a change in their health, entrepreneurial minded and wealth motivated. Does that sound like you?”
- Develop your first Facebook post. Click here for guidelines on Building Your Business On Facebook.
- Develop your Develop Your 30 Second Story
- Always BE Compliant & Compliance Examples
- Compliance Video
- Use BufferApp.com or Postplanner to develop your Facebook System
- Develop your Develop Your 30 Second Story
- Listen to How To Use Facebook To Build Your Business Audio.
- Listen to Facebook Call with Curt Maley.
- Watch Alexis Romano and Ciji Siddons Facebook Training from NYKO 2015
- Schedule a time with your coach to review how your Facebook page will be set up. Consistency is key!
- Launch Party Guide
- Launch Party Flyer
- Business Opportunity Meeting
- Create a Face Book Event to promote. Make sure you personally invite people and confirm at least 10+ people.
- IsaSalestools.com
- IsaGear
Post to your Facebook every Wednesday
Join us every Wed night to listen to great results and stories ! Get motivated in 2015! Get connected with our team every Wed. Ask yourself “How serious are you about making a change in your life? Please join our International team call with Carole Taylor; top income earner and one of my mentors, to learn about Nutritional Cleansing! Clinical Nutritionist will give you background info on products and learn about how to get your products paid for & the business. Make the Call . . . It Could Change Your Life ! It has for me and so many others! CALL: 641-715-3580 Code: 945461# Every Wednesday Evening 9:00 p.m. (Eastern) / 6:00 p.m. (Pacific) Learn about AMAZING Nutritional Cleansing and Anti aging
- Alexis Romano interview on MLM Nation
- Susan Sly Call with Matthew Ferry
- Part 2 Call with Matthew Ferry
- Lynn Hagadorn’s Leadership Mentor Calls
Learn the foundation of Isagenix to set yourself up for success
- More Leadership Mentor Calls
- Personal Power Podcast
- Isagenix Archived Training
- Isagenix Business Website
- Isagenix Training Library
- Jeffery Combs Recorded Training Calls
- David Woods: Amplified Network Marketing
- Become a Network Marketing Pro